



Scientifically Natural Skin Care

What are Acne Scars? Causes, Types, Prevention, & More

What are Acne Scars and Its Causes

Dealing with adult acne can be one of the most difficult tasks ever. Not only do you have to deal with acne, but also with the stubborn scars they leave behind.

To choose the right acne scars treatment you first need to understand the different acne scar types and what are their causes. Here’s all the important information you need in order to tackle this skin concern. 

What Are Acne Scars?

Remember when your mother advised you to not pick on your pimples? Guess what, she was absolutely right! Acne scars occur due to the inflammation of acne spots. Cystic acne and nodules generally cause scarring as they penetrate deep into the skin, damaging the tissues beneath too. Hence, it’s always better to follow simple tips to get rid of acne — prevention is always better than cure

What Causes Acne Scars?

Scarring is caused when an acne pore swells and breaks down the wall of the pore. It can cause either mild or deep scarring. Mild scars heal easily as they are small and shallow. Deep scars aren’t easy to heal as they affect the surrounding tissues too. Damaging forms of acne, like cysts and nodules, often lead to acne scars. Be wary of picking or popping acne as it may cause scarring too. 

Different Types of Acne Scars 

In order to treat acne scars you need to use the right skincare products and to choose these right products you need to know more about the skin concern you are facing. There are many different types of acne scars and each needs to be taken care of differently. Here are the most common acne scar types that you need to know about. 

Atrophic or Depressed Scars

These types of scars are formed when there is a loss of tissue and an indentation is formed on the surface of the skin. In this case, your body produces little collagen. These usually occur in three shapes. 

  • Ice Pick: Wide at the top and narrows down as it goes deeper into the skin. Usually formed where the skin is thinner, like the forehead and upper cheeks.

  • Rolling: These scars have sloping edges that make the skin look uneven and wavy. Formed on areas where the skin is thicker, like the lower cheeks and jaw.

  • Boxcar: These have sharper edges that go deep into the skin. Found mostly on the lower cheeks and jaw.

Hypertrophic or Keloid or Raised Scars

Raised Scars are caused when the body creates too much collagen to help in healing. This results in the skin tissue rising off the skin. These scars are commonly found on the chest, jawline, back and shoulders. 

Tips to Prevent Acne Scars

It’s always better to prevent acne scars beforehand. But the real question is how to prevent acne scars? Fret not, here are some really simple tips to help prevent acne and acne scars. 

Choose The Right Products

The right skin care products surely go a long way in keeping your skin cleansed and nourished. This will keep acne at bay, which means no acne scars either. Ingredients like Tea Tree Oil, Salicylic Acid, and Aloe Vera are guaranteed to keep your skin scar-free. 

Use Anti-Acne Products

If you have acne-prone skin, using anti-acne products is your best bet. These products will prevent clogged pores, thus, eliminating any chance of inflammation and acne. This is the easiest and best way to prevent acne scars

Never Skip Sunscreen

Sun exposure can further darken your acne scars, making them prominent. Hence, it’s better to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays and to prevent any existing acne spots from becoming darker. 

Don’t Touch Your Face

Never ever pick or pop your acne. Try to avoid even touching the acne. This will only cause inflammation and more damage — deepening and worsening the acne scars.  

Steer Clear Of Harmful Chemicals

Opt for mild natural ingredients rather than harsh chemicals. Using harsh chemicals will only irritate your skin and cause more acne. Go for soothing essential oils and botanical extracts that gently nourish your skin. 

St.Botanica Recommended Products for Acne Scars

Looking to buy the right products to tackle acne scars? Then you are at the right place. St.Botanica brings to you some amazing natural products that will help you attain a flawless and healthy complexion.

99% Aloe Vera Fresh Soothing Gel For Skin & Hair, 100ml

St.Botanica 99% Aloe Vera Fresh Soothing Gel For Skin & Hair is a nutrient-rich moisturiser for your skin and hair. It keeps your skin soft, hydrated and well-nourished. It also brightens your skin, soothes inflammation, and heals damaged skin. The nutrient-rich gel forms a transparent layer of moisture that protects your skin from harmful environmental stressors. It also helps improve cell turnover to preserve the youthful elasticity of your skin.

Tea Tree Pure Aroma Essential Oil, 15ml

St.Botanica Tea Tree Pure Aroma Essential Oil helps heal the skin and is a superb choice that helps eliminate acne at home. Massaging your skin with Tea Tree Oil can be helpful in awakening your senses and moisturising your skin. It promotes healthier and glowing skin. It’s free from harmful chemicals and is ideal for regular use.

Jasmine Pure Aroma Essential Oil, 15ml

St.Botanica Jasmine Pure Aroma Essential Oil does not contain any harmful chemicals and is apt for regular use. It helps soothe and moisturise your skin and assists in enhancing the overall appearance of your skin. This essential oil helps tackle acne scars and maintains the skin’s elasticity in the long run. 

Neroli Pure Aroma Essential Oil, 15ml

St.Botanica Neroli Pure Aroma Essential Oil diminishes redness, irritation as well as swelling of any sort. Besides, it also has moisturising and scar-reducing properties. The rich floral scent can also help re-energise your mind and body to make you feel relaxed after a long day at work. This essential oil can also help promote cell turnover and maintain the overall health of your skin.


Acne scars can be kept away with the help of certain prevention techniques and can also be treated with the right products. But it’s always advisable to visit a dermatologist in case of severe acne. There are several over-the-counter products and natural products that help correct scarring, make sure to understand your skin type or consult professionals before you make your pick. 

FAQs About Acne Scars

Do acne scars go away?

Yes, acne scars mostly go away if you don’t touch them unnecessarily and get them treated on time. Understanding the scar type and the right products to tackle it will help you eliminate it without fuss. 

What is the difference between acne scars and acne marks?

Acne marks are just temporary discolourations and focus on the word “temporary” here. Acne scars, on the other hand, can be both permanent and temporary depending on the type of acne you had. Acne marks are smooth while acne scars are characterised by either indentations or lesions. 

How can acne scars be removed naturally?

Acne scars can be removed naturally with the help of ingredients like Tea Tree Oil, Neroli Oil, Salicylic Acid, Aloe Vera, Lavender Oil, and Lactic Acid. Using these natural ingredients will repair your skin and eliminate scars – however, it is a slow and steady process.

Do acne scars ever fully heal?

Yes, most acne scars heal easily. In case of severe issues, it’s advisable to consult a dermatologist and follow proper medical advice. 

How long does it take for acne scars to fade?

Acne scars may take some time to fade so you need to be patient. A mild acne scar might take at least a month to fade away. Severe acne scars might take even longer.

Are all acne scars permanent?

No, all acne scars aren’t permanent and can be eliminated with the help of over-the-counter products and home remedies. 

How can I reduce my risk of acne scars?

You can reduce the risk of acne scars by using sunscreen daily and not picking on your acne. Using the right kind of products for your skin also helps in keeping your skin flawless – nipping the issue in the bud.


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